
Wednesday May 07, 2014
Ep26 - Gattaca (Ryan)
Wednesday May 07, 2014
Wednesday May 07, 2014
Ryan pulls the crew back down his beloved sci-fi well to watch what he believes to be an overlooked 90s classic starring Ethan Hawke, Jude Law, and Uma Thurman. A rousing discussion ensues, followed by a challenge and a pick that could change the fate of the crew for years to come.

Tuesday Apr 29, 2014
Ep25 - Goodfellas (James)
Tuesday Apr 29, 2014
Tuesday Apr 29, 2014
James kicks off Cycle 7 with his pick of the Scorsesesese classic Goodfellas, further proving that they cannot get through a single episode without talking about P**** D******s.

Tuesday Apr 22, 2014
Ep24 - Frozen (Steven)
Tuesday Apr 22, 2014
Tuesday Apr 22, 2014
Steven closes out the sixth cycle by making Ryan watch the most successful animated film of all time. Will the Disney magic be able to melt Ryan's frozen heart?

Tuesday Apr 15, 2014
Ep23 - Cool Hand Luke (Ryan)
Tuesday Apr 15, 2014
Tuesday Apr 15, 2014
"James: I'm so desperately lonely?" "Fuargo! Fuargo!" The guys pay a vigorous game of FUARGO to determine the challenge champion this week, amidst some heady discussion of the religious themes of Cool Hand Luke.

Wednesday Apr 09, 2014
Ep22 - Jaws (McDoodles)
Wednesday Apr 09, 2014
Wednesday Apr 09, 2014
It's a beautiful day in the FUARborhood, as the once-dead, now-undead Ryan returns to the show in stupendous style to join the discussion on Jaws.

Wednesday Apr 02, 2014
Ep21 - Ghostbusters (Michael)
Wednesday Apr 02, 2014
Wednesday Apr 02, 2014
The Podcast Formerly Known as FUAR come together for a somber affair to mourn the loss of one of their own, and then are even more surprised when his spirit shows up anyway...

Tuesday Mar 25, 2014
Ep EX 1 - Jurassic Park (James)
Tuesday Mar 25, 2014
Tuesday Mar 25, 2014
In a special edition of From Under a Rock, the boys break the cycle of cycles to talk about a movie they have all seen many a time before but absolutely deserves discussion: Jurassic Park.

Tuesday Mar 18, 2014
Ep20 - Sunshine (Ryan)
Tuesday Mar 18, 2014
Tuesday Mar 18, 2014
It is the year 20XX. Tensions are high and friendships are frayed among the once brotherly comrades known as FUAR. Weeks pass, then months without nary a recording as Ryan labors fruitlessly in the FUAR engine room, endlessly toiling and failing to figure out how to work a Blu-Ray. The rest are supportive at first, but quickly grow weary as what was supposed to be a friendly gathering has turned into nothing short of a Mad Maxian dystopia.

Wednesday Jan 22, 2014
Ep19 - Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (McNoodles)
Wednesday Jan 22, 2014
Wednesday Jan 22, 2014
It was late in the evening at Lacuna, the customers long since dispersed. Dr. Mierzwiak was just about on his way out the door to his lonely bachelor pad, where he would probably lay awake all night waiting for a call, when into the reception area walked a group of four bedraggled yet heroic podcasters.

Wednesday Jan 15, 2014
Ep18 - Terminator 2 (Stuben)
Wednesday Jan 15, 2014
Wednesday Jan 15, 2014
That's right, Stuben "The King of Variety" Suburban stuck T2 in front of all of our faces, and we liked it despite him. But we swear to God that if he legitimately brings Sarah Connor Chronicles to the group, we will drop a literal rock on top of him. With the help of Gabe Alvarez.