
Tuesday Apr 21, 2015
Ep36 - It Follows (Michael)
Tuesday Apr 21, 2015
Tuesday Apr 21, 2015
It doesn't eat. It doesn't sleep. It just podcasts. The FUAR crew, that is, and we're back for an unprecedented trip to the movies to watch Michael's pick, It Follows! Join us this week as we discuss what truly makes a modern horror classic, as well as the different methods we would use to dispatch the demon. Stick around to the end, as the growing sexual tension among the crew comes to a head in this week's CHALLENGE.

Tuesday Apr 14, 2015
Ep35 - Captain Phillips (Steven)
Tuesday Apr 14, 2015
Tuesday Apr 14, 2015
Look at us...we are the podcast now!

Tuesday Apr 07, 2015
Ep34 - Blazing Saddles (James)
Tuesday Apr 07, 2015
Tuesday Apr 07, 2015
James brings the delightful Mel Brooks classic Western romp Blazing Saddles to liven the mood at FUAR HQ, until cries of racism threaten to bring the mood crashing down! Discussion of meta humor, characters who aren't characters, and the most famous executioners fill this very special episode of FUAR, all capped off with a Challenge in which the fate of an entire town lies in our very hands!

Tuesday Mar 31, 2015
Ep33 - Whiplash (Ryan)
Tuesday Mar 31, 2015
Tuesday Mar 31, 2015
...and we're back...again!

Wednesday Jul 09, 2014
Ep32 - West Side Story (James)
Wednesday Jul 09, 2014
Wednesday Jul 09, 2014
We feel FUARy and gay during our return to form in this week's ALL NEW episode (except for the theme song, and the challenge bit that we remixed from last week). Apart from a discussion on the film's tone and choreography, we discuss popsicles, the Britney/K-fed scandal, and the most difficult part of West Side Story, which is telling your dad that you're not under the rock anymore.

Tuesday Jun 17, 2014
Ep31 - Miami Connection (Steven)
Tuesday Jun 17, 2014
Tuesday Jun 17, 2014
The FUAR friends for eternity, loyalty, honesty, stick together to discuss one of the best terrible movies of all time, Miami Connection. They then open some mail, which brings on surprisingly emotional confessions from all...

Tuesday Jun 10, 2014
Ep30 - Coffee and Cigarettes (Ryan)
Tuesday Jun 10, 2014
Tuesday Jun 10, 2014
James sits this one out, leaving a veritable menage a trois of Ryan, Michael, and Steven to review the Jim Jarmusch cult classic, comedic/dramatic account of human nature and relationships. However, James does make a brief appearance...to be the victim of the GREATEST PRANK CALL IN HISTORY.

Tuesday Jun 03, 2014
Ep29 - Leon the Professional (Michael)
Tuesday Jun 03, 2014
Tuesday Jun 03, 2014
The cadre of relentless movie watchers returns in this new installment of From Under a Rock to review the #27 highest rated movie on IMDB: Leon, The Professional. Or, wait, is it Leon? Or the Professional, maybe? Despite the confusion on titles from all different sources, three of the FUAR manage to watch the same movie and discuss whether it lives up to its lofty reputation. They even have time to think up some fan fiction and wonder, just what did happen to that plant 20 years later?

Tuesday May 20, 2014
Ep28 - Godzilla, King of the Monsters! (Steven)
Tuesday May 20, 2014
Tuesday May 20, 2014
Steven reveals to the gang the roots of his obsession with the Kaiju film genre with the film that started it all, or rather the American dub of the film that started it all. The crew discusses their appreciation, if not love, of old film, the stellar performance of Steve Martin, Zac Effron's abs, and some more about Zac Effron's abs. They also find out in the CHALLENGE that if they were put in charge of fending off Godzilla, we would all be doomed. Try not to wave your lighters too close to your face - it's time for another FUAR!

Tuesday May 13, 2014
Ep27 - WrestleMania XXX (Michael)
Tuesday May 13, 2014
Tuesday May 13, 2014
Oooooh yeeeah brotheeeer it's time for that WrestleMania podcast! Steven, Ryan, and James, formerly a trio of uncultured slobs who had never seen a second of wrestling, come out from under the rock to discuss streaks, spectacle, and the popular yet little used form of pseudo-reality show sports television.