
Wednesday Jan 25, 2017
60.5 - Sailor Moon R by VIZ (Steven)
Wednesday Jan 25, 2017
Wednesday Jan 25, 2017
No, you're podcast feed isn't on the fritz, this actually is a revisit of a movie we already reviewed, back in Episode 42.5! And which member of FUAR would be dastardly enough to return to a franchise? Why the same man who picked from the Terminator universe 3 times, Steven Zurita! Viz Media's had the English dubbing rights to Sailor Moon for a few years now, redubbing the show in a more faithful Japanese translation than the original run in the 90s, and they just redubbed the same movie we reviewed a few summers back and released it in theatres! With so many ways to watch the same movie now, Steven decided it'd be a good opportunity to talk about the differences between the Pioneer and VIZ dubs and what it was like seeing this 24 year old movie in theatres for the first time.
If you haven't seen this movie in any iteration at all, I highly reccomend you check out our review of it in Episode 42.5 to get an actual review of this movie, as this episode's more of a discussion of differences between the versions and the philosophies of dub culture.
You can chat with Steven and give him your challenge thoughts on Twitter and Facebook!
Twitter: @StevenZurita
Facebook: facebook.com/hyperdrivepics
Instagram: @StevenZurita
Tumblr: @StevenZurita

Tuesday Nov 10, 2015
60 - High Plains Drifter (Michael)
Tuesday Nov 10, 2015
Tuesday Nov 10, 2015
That's what the movie's called, I swear! We're not trying to be offensive. Either way, this is a controversial way to go out. And the movie we're reviewing has a fair bit of controversy from the get go as well. Yeesh. This week's movie, High Plains Drifter, is a Western starring Clint Eastwood about a stranger wandering into town and taking it over to train the residents of Lago to deal with an approaching gang of bandits. It fails horribly, so we came up with some better ways to train the town. Someone should probably teach them about hospitality too, they're horrible to visitors from the get go.

Tuesday Nov 03, 2015
59 - Casino Royale (Michael)
Tuesday Nov 03, 2015
Tuesday Nov 03, 2015
It's the origin to the secret agent that's already been around for like 50 years. We watched Daniel Craig's first entry in the Bond series in Casino Royale this week. Sit back and listen to us recount iconic scenes like bantering back and forth with Judi Dench's M, even though he officially first meets her in Goldeneye, which takes place in our past but his future, even though it's the 90s but this is 2006? The timeline of this series confuses me. But nonetheless, we go back to Bond's roots in this film as he's just been promoted to 007 and we'll see why the backstory behind how he treats women, learning how to work as an agent, and the UNFORGETTABLE scene that sets up Goldfinger's arc as a villain. Some people complain Craig's Bond films lack the flashy gadgets we've come to expect in the series, but in this installment James must trade those in for the fanciest gadget of all, the Heart of the Cards. That's right, we're beating the bad guys by playing Poker, ladies and gents. Just poker. At least with Yugioh we'd have the Shadow Realm.

Tuesday Oct 27, 2015
58 - 007 Goldeneye (Steven)
Tuesday Oct 27, 2015
Tuesday Oct 27, 2015
Kapow! That wasn't a punch, that was the sound of a Walther PPK shooting down your sights. That's right, we're finally diving into a true 90s classic, 007 Goldeneye! We ain't talking about the N64 game, though that's a classic in its own right. We're talking about the film behind the game. Starring Pierce Brosnan and the chick from X Men. You know what, why didn't she use her psychic powers at all this movie? Has she not discovered her mutation yet? This makes no sense.

Tuesday Oct 20, 2015
57 - The Babadook (Michael)
Tuesday Oct 20, 2015
Tuesday Oct 20, 2015
We round out our series of spooky movies this year with Michael's pick, the Babadook. It's a movie so scary that we brought back a third host to share the burden with us, the wordsmith McDoodles! Much like Signs, this movie's got a surface level story about a monster in your closet coming to get you. But what really makes this movie shine is that the monster is a metaphor for something deeper, something we've all struggled with in life. Something that keeps us all up at night. Really, once you get the metaphor this movie becomes way more genius than it is scary.

Tuesday Oct 13, 2015
56 - Signs (Steven)
Tuesday Oct 13, 2015
Tuesday Oct 13, 2015
You know what's scarier than Halloween? M Night Shyamalan's career! While he may be the butt of many a cinematic joke these days, there was once a time when he was an up and coming visionary auteur. Let's travel back to that time, in rural Pennsylvania, where pre-meltdown Mel Gibson tells everyone he's not a father anymore, even to his kids, and aliens are putting signs in his fields. Joaquin Phoenix spends his time swinging baseball bats instead of talking to Scarlett Johansen on his phone and Michael Showalter's a punk for some reason. The movie Signs has been accepted with both praise for its quality and criticism for its plot holes. Where do you fall?

Tuesday Oct 06, 2015
55 - Pulp Fiction (Michael)
Tuesday Oct 06, 2015
Tuesday Oct 06, 2015
This one's a doozy. After 21 years Steven can FINALLY be taken out from under the rock on Pulp Fiction. This movie's got some of the most quotable lines in history and a serious craving for burgers and milkshakes. Anyone else wanna let me have a bite of their Kahuna burger? No? Ok. Well this movie's got everything. Really, it does, it's almost 3 hours long. But the great thing is it doesn't feel like it. Despite all the dialogue, there's always something interesting happening and it's no wonder this is one of the must sees of cinema.

Tuesday Sep 29, 2015
54.5 - Walk Hard (ft. The Gilmore Guys)
Tuesday Sep 29, 2015
Tuesday Sep 29, 2015
We're taking it back to the classics of Buddy Holly, Elvis, presley, The Beatles, but most importantly, Dewey Cox in Walk hard: The Dewey Cox Story. It's the next logical step for you listeners, even if you don't have a sense of smell! Why does this movie work so well on its own? What's the deal with all this music? Anybody know what Jenna Fischer's up to lately? Well, besides Steven? It's a big ol' TSTV reunion. Or is it? We've all known each other for years, but this might be the first time Steven, Michael, Demi, and Kevin are actually in the same room at the same time.

Tuesday Sep 22, 2015
54 - Some Like it Hot (Steven)
Tuesday Sep 22, 2015
Tuesday Sep 22, 2015
Shave your legs and grab some pantyhose, gentlemen! This week we're reviewing the classic screwball comedy about musicians in drag, 1959's Some Like It Hot! And you don't even need to watch anyone die for this one! This review cuts a little close to home for Michael since he too has spent a 'romantic' time at the very same hotel from this movie and vowed to never speak again...for about 10 seconds. Plus, we can all talk about how Marilyn Monroe's a classic 12 out of 10.

Tuesday Sep 15, 2015
53.5 - Teenage Mutant Nina Turtles (ft. Emii)
Tuesday Sep 15, 2015
Tuesday Sep 15, 2015
We couldn't get our fill of martial arts with Kill Bill, so Emii's back with a radical look back on the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie! This one's a big deal for Emii, it's the reason she's a martial artist! If you don't believe how big of a Turtle fan she is, she's been in a TMNT shirt EVERY time Steven's seen her. So how does this old movie hold up to the franchise? Where does it lie in the for kids and for adults spectrum? This is one of those franchises everyone's bumped into at some point, so if you've somehow missed Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles over the last 3 decades, allow us to bring you out from under the rock! Or sewers? Oh, and grab some pizza, dude.